
These Terms and Conditions apply to all interactions with Teamified (Patona Pty Ltd) through its websites, including, If you browse or otherwise access any content or data on the Website (including its mobile site, apps, customer support tools, help docs), you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions are to be read together with the Privacy Policy. These Terms and Conditions, together with the Privacy Policy, form the terms of use of this Website, and by using the Website you signify that you accept and consent to same. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, do not use or access this Website.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy sets out how we will use, manage and protect your personal information. You are encouraged to read the Privacy Policy in full, which can be found here.

Terms And Conditions

Your access to the Website and its contents

Teamified endeavours to take reasonable care in maintaining the information on the Website, but provides no warranties as to its completeness, currency or accuracy. You acknowledge that the Website may contain third-party content; Teamified provides no warranties as to the completeness, currency or accuracy of third-party content. The Website, and any information on the Website, may contain errors and inaccuracies, and is subject to change at any time, and may not be up to date or accurate at the time you view it. Teamified accepts no responsibility for the Website not being available to you at any time (for example, during any website down time or maintenance, any server error or other malfunction).

You must not, and must not provide any assistance to any third party to, edit, hack or otherwise interfere with this Website or of its contents or material.

You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless Teamified, its offers, employees and agents, from any loss, liability, claim, demand, expense or any other thing claimed by a third party howsoever arising in connection with your use of the Website (including any actions done by you on or through the Website).

Restrictions on use of websites

In accessing or using our Website, you agree that you will not:

  • use any automated device, software, process or means to access, retrieve, scrape, or index our Website;
  • use any means whatsoever to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working on our Website;
  • undertake any action that will impose a burden or make excessive traffic demands on our Website;
  • attempt to decipher, decode, decompile, reverse-engineer or otherwise discover the source code of the Website;
  • use our Website to transmit spam, chain letters, contests, junk email, surveys, or other mass messaging, whether commercial in nature or not;
  • use our Website or any content from our Website in any manner which is, in Teamified’s sole discretion, not for the purpose which it is made available;
  • violate the rights of any person or entity, including copyright, trade secret, privacy right, or any other intellectual property or proprietary right;
  • act in violation of any applicable law;
  • transmit or attempt to transmit any computer viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature.

We reserve the right to exercise whatever means we deem necessary to prevent unauthorised access to or use of our Website, including but not limited to instituting technological barriers, or reporting your conduct to any relevant reporting body.

Limitation of liability

To the full extent permitted by law, Teamified excludes all liability for any and all loss or damage of any nature (which includes special, indirect or consequential loss, and loss of business profits), arising from or in connection with the contents of the Website and use or performance of the Website, except to the extent that that loss or damage is caused directly and fraudulently or by way of wilful misconduct by Teamified.

Where a warranty or guarantee is implied under law into these Terms and Conditions (including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) that cannot be lawfully excluded, so long as it is fair and reasonable to do so, Teamified’s liability for a breach of that warranty or guarantee shall be limited, in the case of the provision of services, to resupplying the service or paying the cost of the service.

Intellectual property

Unless otherwise expressly stated otherwise by Teamified and with the exception of any third-party content (including from Teamified suppliers and customers), all material and content displayed on or contained within this Website (including all text, HTML text and code, illustrations, documents, logos and trade marks) (“Material”) are Teamified’s property and are protected by intellectual property law, including copyright and trade mark law. You access the Material, in whatever format including electronic and printed, solely for personal, non-commercial use unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Teamified. You agree that you will not, without prior express written consent of Teamified, deal with the Material in any unauthorised way, including reproducing, distributing, adapting, copying, publishing or selling the Material, or act with any third party to do the same. Unless otherwise expressly granted in writing by Teamified, Teamified grants no licence to, assignment of or right in all or any part of the Material and its intellectual property rights held therein or otherwise.


Teamified may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time, and these amendments will take effect immediately after being published to this Website.

Third-party websites

Teamified’s Website may contain links to external, third-party websites. Except where otherwise stated, Teamified gives no warranty and takes no responsibility for those websites in any way whatsoever, including as to their contents, goods or services, or safety. Teamified does not operate, manage or otherwise approve any such third-party website, and your access to same is at your own risk.

Policy for linking to our website

You may only link to content on our Website if we provide our prior written consent. If we do allow you to link to our Website, it is on condition that you do not:

  • attribute a link to our Website as being a link to your own or a third party’s content;
  • attribute a link to our Website and then link somewhere else;
  • frame our content in such a way as to present it as your own or as belonging to anyone other than Teamified.

We reserve the right to require that you do not link to our Website and any of its content and we may exercise this right by giving notice to you.

Severance and governance

If any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be inconsistent or invalid at law, those provisions shall be removed from these Terms and Conditions and all other provisions will remain valid and in effect.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the state of Victoria, Australia. Where a dispute arises from these Terms and Conditions, you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia.