Stay Connected 
with Your Team

Have you ever wished you could keep track of your team’s performance in a timely, engaging way?

Say hello to Performance Pulse! Designed to keep you in the loop with your team's progress and needs, this feature prompts you to give active feedback, fostering open communication and boosting productivity.

Celebrate Your Stars

Recognise top performers by viewing their profiles and hitting the Reward button. Choose from goodies like Amazon vouchers, chocolates, or a custom reward that fits your company vibe.

How it Works

Monthly Feedback Nudges

Every month, you’ll receive a friendly email reminder to rate your team’s performance. With a simple star rating and option to provide feedback, your team will feel engaged and motivated.

Super Simple Interface

Within the Teamified platform you can update feedback for all your team members in one go. Or, access it anytime via the Teamified dashboard.

Detailed Insights

Rate each team member out of five stars and add a few words on why you chose that rating. This helps keep communication clear and productivity high.

Support for Growth

If someone scores 0-3 stars, our talent team steps in to help with a personal improvement plan, ensuring everyone gets the support they need.

Share or Keep Confidential

Your feedback is a goldmine for us at Teamified to improve overall productivity. Share it with your team members for an open, supportive culture, or keep it private – your call!

Benefits for Managers

Clear Team Insights: Get a crystal-clear view of your team’s strengths and growth areas.

Easy Feedback: Simplify your review process, save time, and ensure your team gets timely feedback.

Boost Morale: Clear feedback and rewards keep morale and engagement high.

Lower Staff Turnover: Communication is key. Staying in touch with your team, helping when needed, and rewarding when deserved leads to higher staff loyalty and lower turnover.

Benefits for Team Members

Clarity and Direction: Get consistent feedback to understand strengths and areas for improvement.

Rewards and Recognition: Hard work gets noticed and rewarded, keeping motivation sky-high.

Help is Readily Available: Consistent communication allows managers to provide timely assistance, ensuring the team is well-supported.

Open Communication: Foster a culture of honesty and transparency, creating a supportive work environment.

Ready to Transform Performance Reviews?

With Performance Pulse, make performance reviews a highlight of your team’s month. Celebrate progress, foster growth, and keep the energy up!
Get Started with Performance Pulse