Create job descriptions in minutes

Your business is scaling, your team is growing and you finally have budget approval to hire team members to achieve your ambitious targets - that’s great! Aren’t you lucky to have Teamified at your fingertips to help you get started. Hit the ground running with our hiring tools, enabling you to create a job description (JD) in just minutes, saving hours of time with the click of a button.

We’ve integrated with ChatGPT to leverage the power of AI to help make your life that little bit easier — no more long hours spent researching different role descriptions! In just a few simple steps, you’ll have the best JD to kick off your recruitment process and find the perfect candidate for your team. Here’s how it works:

  1. Enter details about the job including title, employment type, experience level and location.
  2. Hit the Generate AI button. You’ll be presented with three options for a JD.
  3. Review and edit as you see fit.
  4. Once you’re happy with the description, hit Save - the job is live!

Voila — a perfectly tailored, well written JD in just minutes. Our customers tell us this capability has saved them significant hours of time, taking the tedious manual work out of the recruitment process. How long would it have taken you without Teamified?